Get over it

Why are most, not all white people dreading the fact that some confederate statues are being taken down ? Normally, their answer is “Stop trying to erase history”
Alright .

Why are black people told to “get over” slavery ? Isn’t that apart of history too ? Or are we supposed to get over the fact that because of black people did indeed suffer ?

We also are told “never forget 9/11” why ? We aren’t supposed to remember years and years of slavery , but we are supposed to remember the day when the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT KILLED THOUSANDS of innocent people on our own soil? 

Anytime a non-Trump supporter has something to say about Trump, his supporters usually retaliate with “Hillary lost, get over it snowflake”. They’re just automatically assuming whoever didn’t vote for Trump voted for Hillary. 

The confederate statues represent the south. Didn’t the south lose? Why have statues of traitors and losers throughout our country? The south lost, get over it.

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